So what is with this fancy water?

Mops, squeegees, buckets and detergent certainly have their place & we still use them every day but when it comes to efficiency, quality & safety then why wouldn’t you use the latest tools designed specifically for the job.

At Squeegee Clean we have invested in the latest 3-stage Reverse Osmosis and De-ionisation Reach & Wash system technology to ensure your windows are given the royal treatment.

Basically we take all the minerals out of the water we use so it dries perfectly crystal clear.

Using this approach allows for a supply of ultra-pure water from any mains water connection. It is particularly suited to work on commercial buildings however in this extreme coastal environment its use in residential cleaning is proving outstanding results.

In addition to a chemical free solution it may be employed at ground level with long-reaching waterfed poles making it safer and faster.

Follow the link and learn all about water quality and how it helps to achieve AMAZING results.

  • External Window Cleaning

    External windows are exposed to environmental factors such as weather, pollution, and bird droppings, which can cause a nasty buildup. Regular cleaning can help remove these contaminants and prevent them from causing permanent damage to the windows.

    The frequency of external window cleaning depends on various factors such as the location of the property, the surrounding environment, and the type of windows. For example, buildings located in rural & coastal areas may require more frequent cleaning due to higher levels of dust, salt & sand. Similarly, properties with large trees nearby may require more frequent cleaning to remove leaves, sap, or bird droppings.

    In general, it is recommended to have external windows cleaned at least twice a year, ideally in the spring and autumn. However, in certain situations, such as high traffic areas or buildings with large windows, more frequent cleaning may be necessary.

  • Internal Window Cleaning

    Over time, indoor windows can accumulate dust, fingerprints, grease and other contaminants that can affect the clarity of the glass. Regular cleaning can help resolve this, improve natural light transmission, and enhance the overall aesthetic of the space.

    In addition to improving the appearance of the windows, regular internal window cleaning can also provide health benefits by reducing the accumulation of allergens and irritants. Dust and other particles that settle on windows can contribute to indoor air pollution and exacerbate allergies or respiratory conditions.

    The frequency of internal window cleaning depends on various factors, such as the location of the property, the level of foot traffic, and the type of windows. Properties located by unsealed roads or near construction sites may require more frequent cleaning.

  • Window & Door Track Cleaning

    Cleaning window tracks is a time-consuming and challenging task for homeowners. In order to do the job properly we have developed a thorough system that gets the job done right every time!

    Tracks are susceptible to collecting dirt, debris, insects and moisture creating a perfect breeding ground for mould and mildew. Over time this buildup will cause your windows to become difficult to open or close.Obstructed drainage can also cause all sorts of potential issues such as a stale odour, corrosion and water damage.

    Annual cleaning of window tracks will help prevent these issues and extend the lifespan of your windows.

  • Sill, Frame & Flyscreen Cleaning

    Window sills and frames can accumulate dirt, dust, and debris, which can cause damage to the windows and detract from the visual appeal of the property. Similarly, fly screens can become clogged with dirt, dust, and other particles, affecting their ability to filter as they are intended.

    Maintaining clean and functional window sills, frames, and fly screens will enhance the curb appeal of your property and help create a positive impression on visitors and potential buyers or renters.

Windows are expensive so it’s

best you look after them!